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Cap-and-Invest Public Meeting, A Climate Pollution Reduction Strategy

September 23, 2024

For Immediate ReleaseSeptember 23, 2024


Jane Lazorchak, Climate Action Office

Andrea Wright, Agency of Transportation

Agency of Natural Resources and Agency of Transportation to Hold Virtual Public Meeting on Cap-and-Invest: A Climate Pollution Reduction Strategy

Montpelier, VT The Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) and Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT) invite the public to participate in the first set of virtual public meetings on the topic of cap-and-invest as a strategy to reduce climate pollution. The meetings will be held on Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. via Zoom.

Visit to register and receive the Zoom link.

In 2024 the legislature passed Act 148 (the Transportation Bill), which requires the Agency of Natural Resources and Agency of Transportation to study a cap-and-invest program as a strategy that could support meeting the State’s requirements for cutting climate pollution. The State must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. The transportation sector is responsible for achieving 40 percent of those required reductions. This work includes outreach to the public and a series of focus groups with representatives of business, freight, rail, environmental, and equity interests.

Attendees will learn about Vermont’s transportation climate pollution reduction requirements, how cap-and-invest programs work, and the benefits and impacts such a program could have on Vermonters. Members of the public will have the chance to ask questions and provide comments to the project team. ANR and AOT value the public’s input and encourage Vermonters to stay involved in efforts to cut climate pollution in the State.

For more information about efforts the State of Vermont is making to reduce climate pollution, please visit:

Closed captioning will be provided. Please contact Sophi Veltrop with accessibility requests, including language interpretation, at or (802) 522-9555. *Language interpretation requests should be made two weeks in advance of the meeting.
