On August 7, 2017 Governor Scott issued Executive Order No. 13-17. This Order established the Interagency Committee on Chemical Management (Committee).
Composed of representatives from various State Agencies and Departments, its tasks were to identify potential risks to human health and the environment posed by regulated and unregulated chemicals in the State and to make recommendations for processes and requirements to reduce those risks.
The Committee also convened a Citizen Advisory Panel (CAP) as directed by the Executive Order to provide input and expertise to the Committee. The Committee began its work in September 2017, and it continues today through Executive Order No. 02-19, which directs the Committee to evaluate chemical inventories in the State on an annual basis to identify potential risks to human health and the environment from regulated and unregulated chemicals in the State.
Links to the Committee’s work, including member information, prior meeting agendas and minutes, background documents, and reports can be found below.
For Questions: Contact John.Zaikowski@vermont.gov or call (802) 828-1294