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Procedures and Guidance Documents

The Agency of Natural Resources maintains a compilation of official current procedures and guidance documents in compliance with 3 V.S.A. § 835. Use the index below to locate and review guidance documents from the agency and its departments: Department of Environmental Conservation; Department of Fish and Wildlife; and Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation. 


Table data
Title Effective Date Type Department/Division/Program
Grants: Pass-through Administrative Tasks SOP December 1, 2023 Procedure Administration and Innovation Division
Grants: Subrecipient/Contractor Determination Checklist February 18, 2022 Guidance Administration and Innovation Division
Grassland Regulatory Survey Recommendations February 25, 2022 Guidance Act 250 and Section 248
Groundwater Sources that are Protected when Permitting a Wastewater System July 13, 2011 Guidance Wastewater Systems & Potable Water Supplies Program
Guidance checklist - OMER Attachment A - WWTF January 1, 2000 Guidance Wastewater Program
Guidance checklist - OMER Attachment B - Pump Stations January 1, 2000 Guidance Wastewater Program
Guidance Document: Alternatives Analysis (supplement to Rules for Water Withdrawal for Snowmaking) March 22, 1996 Guidance Rivers Program
Guidance for Agency Act 250 and Section 248 Comments Regarding Riparian Buffers December 9, 2005 Guidance Act 250 and Section 248
Guidance for Annual Constituent Monitoring January 1, 2000 Guidance Wastewater Program
Guidance for Conducting Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plant Inventories in Connection with Section 248 Projects October 5, 2016 Guidance Act 250 and Section 248