The Agency of Natural Resources and our three departments rely on the assistance of Citizen Scientists to enhance our mission of effective, well informed, and environmental stewardship. We need your help.
Department of Environmental Conservation
Project WET - Vermont Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) is an interdisciplinary water education program for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade designed to facilitate and promote awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of Vermont's water resources.
Wetlands Education - Abundant training and educational opportunities for private landowners, municipalities and volunteers raise awareness about the importance of wetland protection.
Drinking Water Week Fair - The Agency of Natural Resources is one of the sponsors for the Vermont Drinking Water Week, a fair for teachers and students in Vermont.
Earth Science Week - The Vermont Geological Survey highlights the Earth's connected systems through Earth Science Week.
Natural Shoreland Erosion Control Certificate - Sign up for a training or find a list of certified contractors who have completed the course.
Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation
Educational Opportunities in Forestry
Project Learning Tree - The Vermont branch of Project Learning Tree trains educators to provide meaningful outdoor experiences for children that enable them to think critically and act responsibly on behalf of our natural resources.
Arbor Day - The Vermont Urban and Community Forest program sponsors opportunities and resources for your community, school, and students to get involved in celebrating Arbor Day.
Logger Education - Professional loggers keep Vermont’s working forest landscape vibrant! Forests, Parks and Recreation is actively engaged in supporting logger education efforts.
Educational Opportunities at Vermont State Parks
School Group Programs - Interested in a field trip to a Vermont State Park? Visit these beautiful outdoor classrooms and join a park interpreter for guided activities within our parks.
Junior Ranger Program - Learn how to become a ranger with the Salamanders (ages 4-8) and Beavers (ages 9 and over).
Park Interpreter Program - Check out the Vermont State Parks Calendar of Events to find an educational program near you.
Venture Vermont - Join the yearly Outdoor Challenges to earn points for any outdoor activity ranging from hiking or boating to fishing or stargazing.
Fish and Wildlife Department
Green Mountain Conservation Camp
A residential camp offering week-long sessions during the summer for boys and girls ages 12-16. Campers will learn about wildlife and fisheries management, hunter education and firearms and bow training, archery, fishing techniques, aquatic ecology, camping, hiking, and outdoor survival and safety skills.
Natural Resources Management Academy
A special weekend at the Buck Lake Conservation Camp for students (grades 7-12) ready to explore, in depth, Vermont’s natural resources.
Wildlife Management & Outdoor Education Techniques for Educators
A one-week course held in July for formal and non-formal educators interested in integrating environmental topics into their curriculum. Three graduate credits available.
Bring the science of Vermont’s aquatic ecosystems into your classroom. Students learn about early trout development and anatomy, habitat, water chemistry, life cycles and much more.
Training workshops are available for four different curriculum guides – Project WILD, Aquatic WILD, Growing Up WILD and Flying WILD.