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Whipstock Hill WMA Draft Long-Range Management Plan

As part of the ongoing development of the long-range management plan for Whipstock Hill Wildlife Management Area, the Vermont Departments of Fish & Wildlife and Forests, Parks & Recreation are hosting a public meeting for the release of the draft plan.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016 – 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
One World Conservation Center
413 US Route 7S
Bennington, VT  05201

The 425-acre Whipstock Hill property is owned by the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department for the purposes of fish and
wildlife conservation, and to provide public access to enjoy these resources. It was acquired as mitigation for deer
wintering areas that were impacted by the Bennington Bypass project. The WMA consists of two parcels physically
divided by Whipstock Road. The main parcel is the western-most and largest and is located between Whipstock Road
and Vermont Route 279. The smaller parcel is located east of Whipstock Road and is dominated by wetlands.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for members of the public to review the highlights of the draft long-range
management plan and ask questions. A short presentation will open the meeting, followed by a discussion with comments
recorded by staff. This is the first management plan that has been created for this site. The plan focuses on restoring
native plant species, particularly in and around the deer wintering area, to deal with invasive plants such as bittersweet,
honeysuckle, and buckthorn. General information about these lands is available on the Forests, Parks and Recreation website

Whipstock Hill WMA Draft Long-range Management Plan

In addition to commenting at the public meeting, comments will be accepted via email or by mail to the address listed
below. Comments will be accepted until October 1, 2016.

Lisa Thornton, State Lands Stewardship Forester
Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation
271 North Main Street, Suite 215
Rutland, VT  05701

The meeting will be held from 6:00-8:00 PM on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at One World Conservation Center, 413 US
Route 7S, Bennington, Vermont 05201

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