The agency has provided a factsheet to help understand the Language Access Plan. You can use Google Translate in the upper right corner to translate this page or use one of the already translated sheets.
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What is the purpose of the VT Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) Language Access Plan (LAP)? The purpose of the LAP is to guide ANR’s work to provide access to its programs, services, and activities for persons with communication needs, in compliance with federal civil rights laws.
What are the federal civil rights laws? There are a number of federal civil rights laws including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin, including limited English proficiency. These federal laws prohibit discrimination based on race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
Who are persons with “Limited English Proficiency? Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak or understand English can be persons with limited English proficiency.
Why does ANR need to comply with federal civil rights laws? ANR is a state agency that receives federal financial assistance from a number of federal agencies. As a recipient of federal assistance, ANR is required to comply with federal civil rights laws and implementing regulations.
What is contained in the LAP? The ANR LAP contains the policy and five implementation elements on how the ANR will provide information and services to persons with limited English proficiency and persons with varying levels of hearing, sight or speech who need accommodations to support effective communication.
What are the five implementation elements? The five elements aid in identifying and supporting persons with limited English proficiency and persons with communication needs to ensure that they are provided with meaningful access to ANR’s programs, services, and activities. These elements are: (1) identify persons in need of communication services, (2) provide communication services, (3) train staff and entities that receive grants and contracts from ANR on how to comply with federal civil rights laws, (4) provide public notice of language access, and (5) monitor the LAP for updating.
What are the communication services that ANR could provide? The LAP uses these implementation elements to describe how it will provide communications assistance, including oral interpretation, written translation of important information (also referred to as “vital” documents), and accommodations for those with communication needs.
How can the public provide comments on the LAP? The draft ANR LAP is available for public comment. Comments are due at 5:00pm EST on October 28, 2022. Please submit your comments to: ANR will then consider these comments before finalizing the LAP by December 2022.
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) operates its programs, services, and activities without discriminating on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), ancestry, place of birth, disability, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or breastfeeding (mother and child). Questions or Complaints/Free Language Services: