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Educational Events

2018 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

The Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) is hosted by the Composting Association of Vermont with support from the Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation.

This year’s Summit will highlight business success stories, the use of compost products for storm water management, research, and outreach models. Workshops are designed to help businesses, institutions, communities and residents meet the State’s organics diversion, food rescue, and food scrap recycling goals. 


Cut with Confidence Workshops

Three upcoming workshops for landowners are scheduled for February and March. The Cut with Confidence workshops will help you as a landowner better understand the ins and outs of a successful timber harvest in your woods. Register for one, two, or all three workshops. Each workshop will visit a different harvest on the Evans Tree Farm in Derby, Vermont. Participants will gain an increased understanding of how to set up a successful harvest and the responsibilities of those involved. The discussion will cover contracts, silviculture, and everything in between. 


Talk: Vermont's Wildlife in a changing Climate

Through colorful photos and captivating stories, the audience will come away with a new understanding of how climate change is affecting wildlife. Tom Rogers, with the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, will talk about what people can do to help conserve biodiversity in Vermont in the face of these new threats.

The talk is free and open to the public. Donations of $15 are requested to support an environmental education program in the local school are appreciated. ​

Talk: Vermont's Land Use Changes and Effects on Wildlife

This presentation by wildlife biologist Kim Royar includes a walk-through Vermont’s history of land use from the time of the Native Americans to present and discusses the relationship between the human changes to the landscape and the wildlife that live in Vermont as a result, particularly beaver, otter, coyote, bobcat, and wolf, etc.  


Location: One World Conservation Center, 413 US Route 7S Bennington, VT

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