The Office of Planning coordinates Agency policy positions in relation to other state agencies, federal agencies and outside stakeholders.
The Office also works with Counsel for the Department of Environmental Conservation, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation in representing the Agency in proceedings before the Environmental Court, the Public Utility Commission, and the Land Use Review Board. These proceedings include: (1) Appeals of Agency actions such as the issuance or denial of permits, Appeals of Act 250 permits (2) the review of proposed projects seeking an Act 250 permit, and (3) the review of proposed projects seeking a certificate of public good before the Public Utility Commission.
In addition, members of this Office provide case management for large, complex projects in the Act 250 / Section 248 process, including but not limited to managing timelines for submittals and Agency responses; coordinating intra-Agency discussion of the impacts of a project; and mediating disputes with the applicant, members of the public, and state and federal officials with regard to a project.
- Director of Planning - William Coster - 802-595-0900
- Senior Planner - Jennifer Mojo - 802-923-6647
- Regulatory Policy Analyst - Kathleen Taft - 802-461-8812