Spring 2019 Clean Water Lectures series - Thursday, April 11 | WISPr, It’s Louder Than It Sounds: Millions of Dollars Available for Natural Resources Restoration
Terisa Thomas and Ashley Lucht with DEC’s Water Infrastructure Financing Program will discuss a new funding mechanism for natural resources restoration projects through the Water Infrastructure Sponsorship Program (WISPr). This lecture will be in the Catamount Room (N215) at the National Life Building in Montpelier from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm.
The Clean Water Lecture Series is open to all. Anyone who is interested can join in person or online via https://tiny.cc/lecture-series. To attend in person, please RSVP to anr.cleanwatervt@vermont.gov. For more information on Clean Water Lecture Series, or the upcoming presentations, visit the Clean Water Initiative Program website at https://dec.vermont.gov/watershed/c