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Act 250 Criterion 1B: Waste Disposal

Criterion 1B:Wastewater


Projects that create new or changes to existing wastewater (septic) systems or create new/change connections to municipal wastewater systems, typically require a permit from the Agency’s Wastewater Regional Office Program. Siting of leach fields and system components should avoid and minimize impacts to other surrounding natural resources such as deer wintering areas, wetlands, riparian zones, river corridors, etc.

ANR Atlas Layers

See other criteria for resource information.

ANR Technical Program

DEC Regional Engineers Offices,

Indirect Discharge Program (for systems over 6,500 gpd)

Criterion Specific Site Plan Information

Location of wastewater infrastructure (leach fields, replacement fields, lines, pumps) in relation to other natural resources.

Criterion Specific Narrative Information

Describe how wastewater will be managed, and whether and how existing wastewater system will be affected by project.

Policy/Guidance Documents & Rules

Wastewater and Potable Water Supply Rule

ANR Permits/Approvals

WW/PWS Permit,

Indirect Discharge Permit

Criterion 1B:Stormwater


Projects that create over an acre of impervious surfaces or add 5,000 square feet to existing impervious surfaces that total over an acre require a permit from the Agency’s Stormwater Program

ANR Atlas Layers

Stormwater Permits (Issued & Pending)

ANR Technical Program

DEC Stormwater Program

Criterion Specific Site Plan Information

Areas and acreages/square feet of new and redeveloped impervious surfaces, areas of existing impervious surface, limits of disturbance, location and types of treatment practices

Criterion Specific Narrative Information

Describe how stormwater will be managed and if the project is part of a “common plan of development.”

Policy/Guidance Documents & Rules

Stormwater Permit Information, Vermont Stormwater Rules

ANR Permits/Approvals

Stormwater Operational Permit or confirmation from DEC Stormwater Program that one is not required

Criterion 1B: Hazardous Waste


Projects may generate, store, dispose of, or use hazardous materials as part of their project. Projects may require an EPA Hazardous Waste Handler ID Form or additional review by the DEC Waste Management or Sites Programs.

ANR Atlas Layers

Landfills, Hazardous Sites, Hazardous Waste Generators, Brownfields, Salvage Yard, Underground Storage Tanks

ANR Technical Program

DEC Hazardous Waste Management Program

Criterion Specific Site Plan Information

Location of hazardous waste use, generation and storage

Criterion Specific Narrative Information

A completed EPA Hazardous Waste Handler ID form, OR, describe if hazardous waste will be generated, used and/or stored on site, types of hazardous waste, and disposal methods

Policy/Guidance Documents & Rules

Waste Management Prevention Webpage, DEC Rules

ANR Permits/Approvals

EPA Hazardous Waste Handler ID

Examples of Project Types

Manufacturing facilities, projects that use hazardous materials or generate hazardous waste, projects sited on brownfields or landfills

Criterion 1B: Pentachlorophenol


Utility line projects need to comply with best management practices for projects which use or store utility poles treated with pentachlorophenol. Pole locations should be field verified to insure the is adequate space between mapped/unmapped natural resources and poles, and the project can comply with the best management practices.

ANR Atlas Layers

Private wells, public water sources, groundwater SPA, surface water SPA

ANR Technical Program

DEC Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division

Criterion Specific Site Plan Information

Public and private well locations, shallow drinking water supplies, surface and groundwater source protection areas (SPAs)

Criterion Specific Narrative Information

Describe how the project complies with the Penta Best Management Practices.

Policy/Guidance Documents & Rules

Pentachlorophenol Report (2016)

ANR Permits/Approvals


Examples of Project Types

Utility projects – new or rebuilds of existing lines, utility pole storage facilities

Criterion 1B: Floor Drains, Underground Injection Control (UIC)


Projects which have existing, or proposed floor drains may have potential releases of hazardous materials into surface water, groundwater, or land through subsurface discharges. These types of discharges are not allowed under the Agency’s Underground Injection Control Rule. Certain activities occurring near floor drains may need to be limited depending on the type of activity and discharge location of the floor drain.

ANR Atlas Layers


ANR Technical Program

UIC Program

Criterion Specific Site Plan Information

Locations of new and existing floor drains, floor drain discharge and/or connection locations, vehicle washing areas

Criterion Specific Narrative Information

Activities occurring in rooms or areas which contain floor drains, measures to avoid hazardous materials from entering floor drains and how floor drains will comply with UIC regulations. Description of vehicle washing activities, operations and protocols if part of the project.

Policy/Guidance Documents & Rules

UIC Rule

DEC Underground Injection Control (UIC) Webpage

ANR Permits/Approvals

UIC Permit, or determination one is not required

Floor Drain Closure Form

Examples of Project Types

Car washes, vehicle repair shops, buildings with proposed or existing floor drains not connected to municipal systems

Criterion 1B: Construction and Solid Waste


For projects that involve more than 5,000 square feet of building construction, renovation, or demolition, the Agency’s Waste Management Division reviews construction waste management plans. The goal of the plan is to reduce construction materials from entering the landfill, and identify pathways for reuse and recycling of construction and waste materials.

ANR Atlas Layers


ANR Technical Program

DEC Solid Waste Management Program

Criterion Specific Site Plan Information

See construction waste management plan template. 

Criterion Specific Narrative Information

A completed Construction Waste Management Plan

Identify management of compostable materials, 

Policy/Guidance Documents & Rules

Construction Waste Management Plan Information and Template

ANR Permits/Approvals

Approved construction waste management plan with Waste Management Division approval email

Solid Waste Facility Certificate/Registration (if applicable)

Examples of Project Types

Construction projects that involve greater than 5,000 square feet of construction, renovation or demolition. 

Landfills, transfer centers, recycling centers, composting facilities