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Act 250 Criteria 8, 8A: Natural Areas, Wildlife Habitat, & Endangered Species

Criterion 8: Rare and Irreplaceable Natural Areas (RINAs)


Rare and Irreplaceable Natural Areas (RINAs) are areas identified as very rare across the Vermont landscape, and irreplaceable once impacted by development. A RINA is typically a significant natural community of a certain size, condition, and quality that merits protections from certain types of activities.  

ANR Atlas Layers

Significant Natural Community, RTEs, Vermont Conservation Design

ANR Technical Program

DFW Wildlife Program

Criterion Specific Site Plan Information

Boundary of natural community/RINA, square footage of impact area after demonstrating avoidance/minimization measures.

Criterion Specific Narrative Information

Describe activities occurring in or adjacent to RINAs (existing, proposed, construction, ongoing operations/vegetation management), proposed steps to avoid, minimize and/or mitigate impacts to resource

Policy/Guidance Documents & Rules

Natural Communities Conservation Guidelines (2004) 

Table 1: Vermont Natural Community Types with National Vegetation Classification Associations

ANR Permits/Approvals

Review letter from DFW Wildlife Program

Criterion 8A: Threatened and Endangered Species, Significant Wildlife Habitat


The Agency’s Department of Fish and Wildlife reviews projects for potential impacts to a range of wildlife species habitats, and impacts to threatened and endangered (T&E). A full explanation of the Department’s review process can be found on the webpage linked below.

ANR Atlas Layers

Rare, Threatened, Endangered Species, Deer Wintering Areas, Indiana Bat Hibernacula, Indiana Bat Summer Range, Vernal Pools (confirmed & unconfirmed), Uncommon Species

ANR Technical Program

DFW Wildlife Program

Criterion Specific Site Plan Information

Area and square footage of tree clearing and vegetation management, habitat area boundary and buffer, area and square footage of impact

Criterion Specific Narrative Information

Describe activities occurring in necessary wildlife habitat and buffer and/or impacts to resource (existing, proposed, construction, ongoing operations/vegetation management), proposed steps to avoid, minimize and mitigate impacts to resource, invasive species control measures near T&E plants if necessary

Policy/Guidance Documents & Rules

DFW Regulatory Review Process 

ANR Permits/Approvals

Review letter from DFW Wildlife Program. 

A T&E Takings Permit or confirmation that one is not required.